Sell Used or Surplus Polycom Phones
Business Technology Resale is a leading buyer of Surplus and Used Polycom Phones. To submit a list of Surplus or Used Polycom Phones for bid, please fill out the following form.
Business Technology Resale is looking to purchase Polycom Phones
Some of the used and surplus Polycom Phones we are currently looking to buy includes
Polycom IP 335 Polycom IP 450 Polycom IP550 Polycom IP 650
Polycom VVX 300 Polycom VVX 310 Polycom VVX 400 Polycom VVX 410
Polycom VVX500 Polycom VVX 600 Polycom IP 6000 Polycom IP 7000
Some of the used and surplus Polycom Phones we are currently looking to buy includes
Polycom IP 335 Polycom IP 450 Polycom IP550 Polycom IP 650
Polycom VVX 300 Polycom VVX 310 Polycom VVX 400 Polycom VVX 410
Polycom VVX500 Polycom VVX 600 Polycom IP 6000 Polycom IP 7000